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Chuuk LRC Completes OPAC Training for Students

WENO, Chuuk (September 5, 2012) – The College of Micronesia-FSM Chuuk Campus Learning Resources Center (LRC) recently completed short training sessions for students on using the OPAC system. The Online Public Access Catalog is useful for students when accessing the LRC collections at both Chuuk and national campuses.

Chuuk Campus LRC conducts training for Students

WENO, Chuuk (February 4, 2013) – The staff at the College of Micronesia-FSM Chuuk Campus Learning Resources Center held a workshop last January for students.

The workshop was designed to train students on how to locate and retrieve materials using the college’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), the EBSCO, and the Pacific Digital Library while attending Chuuk Campus.

Tour of the Chuuk High School Library

During PIALA 20th Annual Conference, participants visited the Chuuk High School Library and other libraries in Weno, Chuuk State.

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